Tuesday 22 April 2014


We have to catch up. We didn't put any post for so long. Many things happened.
We've received a nice heater which helpped me to survive wet and cold winter.
Note for future volunteers: the winter here sucks! There is no central heating, houses are poorly isolated and all heat you produce runs away very fast. You'd better stay outside at the sun as much as you can. Thanks to this gift from our Portugueese teacher, I am able to write this at the moment.
Let's go back to March...
There was a Carnaval. We went with the kids to nerby town – Moncarapacho. Everybody said : “It is not so special ...they just have a little carnaval there...”
In Poland I don't celebrate carnaval in any way. Something different is always interesting for me. So I went to check and accompany kids.
What a big surpirise! The city centre was all closed for the traffic, on the streets gathered crowd of people in all ages. At the beginning we heard drums, then we saw youngsters marching and playing instruments. After a while came huge platform with dancing and smiling people on top. I took several pictures of the first five cars, later I gave up and stopped counting. There were too many. Come on, you said it was suppose to be a random, boring carnaval parade! Just take a look at the pictures.
During the event we also ate some portugueese doces – which are muito bom!
As I can recall it was a first day when I could wear T-shirt again. The spring has just started.

In addition MOJU organized its own Carnaval – MóCarnaval . In a rented Recreativo (the residence of the first NGO in Olhão ) played a popular local band . Theme for MOJU people was 'crazy 80.' Can you find our Neşe in this crowd?

foto by Carlos Filipe de Sousa

Unfortunatelly Nikola and Linda couldn't party too much because they were at the same time organising leader's meeting for incoming youth exchange.
Here they are busy at the office:

Also in March Linda presented her country – Austria or Österreich. Of course, main attraction was food. Many of the dishes she prepared for the first time in her life. Result was absolutely perfect! Just Portuguese people were afraid of poppyseed cake – at first they thought that it is a caviar cake. Here is the full menu:

Linsen mit Speck und Semmelknödel and its vegetarian-no-pork version for Nese
Erdäpfelvogerlsalat mit Kernöl

Stay tuned! 

In May we will put something from April ;-)

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